At Yuli B, we pride ourselves in touching the multiple facets of this unique and beautiful dance by excelling as tango dancers/teachers/performers, organizers and ambassadors that spread the love of tango. Through our years of experience and research we have gained invaluable knowledge of what tango dancers require to grow in their personal dance journey. It is through this understanding that we bring to you the highest quality tango shoes and apparel.
Yuli b is the exclusive distributor of Regina tango shoes in USA. Regina tango shoes are the professional brand for social dancers. They are elegant, chic and, above all, Italian! With luxury materials and glamorous designs, Regina is the most coveted tango label in Europe and around the world. The reason is obvious — gorgeous shoes, designed by master craftsmen for a perfect dance-all-night fit. Every Regina shoe is built to provide support for dancers with a unique cushioned lining that doesn’t alter its shape with time. This reduces the stress and provides extra comfort.
Yuli B is always excited to hear from potential distributors that are interested in working with us. If you are passionate about tango and would like to represent our high quality line of “Regina Tango Shoes” in your community, we are excited to work with you. We provide great programs and incentives for our distributors.
We would love to speak with you. Please email us at or send us a message via facebook.